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Publigifts S.L., a company dedicated to the "Design and marketing of advertising articles", aware that the services it provides are essential for society, adopts this policy, aimed at ensuring the provision of services with the highest quality, effectiveness and efficiency that clients demand, being appropriate to the purpose and context of the organization and supporting the strategic direction and considering the magnitude and environmental impacts of our activities and services.

Therefore, from Management we declare the implementation, maintenance and improvement of the Management System as a strategic and priority objective, finding its foundations in:

  • Commitment to comply with legal and other applicable requirements and other requirements that the organization subscribes to in addition to commitments made to clients.
  • Establish continuous improvement as the basis of our activities, in order to reduce, as far as possible, the environmental impacts generated.
  • To establish objectives focused on the evaluation of performance in terms of quality and environmental performance, as well as the continuous improvement in our activities.
  • Commitment for the protection of the Environment, reducing the impact on the environment, helping to prevent pollution and promoting actions aimed at the continuous improvement of environmental performance and other specific commitments relevant to the context of PUBLIGIFTS, S.L.
  • Work together with our suppliers and subcontractors to improve their environmental performance.
  • Commitment to open and cordial dialogue with the different administrative entities, thus as with other groups interested in our activities.

These principles are assumed by the Directorate, which provides the necessary means and provides its employees with sufficient resources to comply with them, translating them into public knowledge through the present Quality and Environment Policy.

Don Benito, enero 2017.

Francisco Martín Cabanillas. Mainhead.